Información de la embajada sobre la visa a Namibia

Como ya lo hemos comentado antes, una de las cosas más difíciles para nosotros los colombianos es lidiar con todas las visas que tenemos que tramitar, y en especial para los países de África puede ser difícil porque la mayoría de ellos no tienen consulados ni embajadas en Colombia.

Investigando sobre la visa a Namibia, encontramos que los colombianos debemos tramitarla en Brasil, contactamos a la embajada y esta es su respuesta oficial, al parecer el proceso es sencillo, aquí lo compartimos para otros viajeros a quienes puede servirles la información:


Dear Alexandra,

You all must process your visa through the Embassy of Namibia here in Brazil. You don´t have to send your passport, just scan and send:

  •  a colored copy of your passport, only the pages that contain your particulars and the photo
  • the visa application filled out and signed
  • a copy of the return ticket
  • invitation letter from business partner in Namibia (in case it is a business trip).

The application form, as well as other relevant information, can be found at our website: If it is possible for you to make a deposit at Banco do Brasil, the visa fee is R$90,00. Otherwise, a bank transfer of U$D65,00 (U$D45,00 – visa fee +U$D20,00 – local bank fees) must be done into our account. Banking details will be sent after receipt of the documents. (Any taxes charged by your bank must be paid by the applicant).

About the validity of the visa, it is valid for 90 days after the issuing, with no extension.

It is also important to mention that the expenses for sending you the visa are the applicant´s responsibility, which means that you have to make arrangements with the courier company of your preference, such as TNT, DHL, etc, for pick-up, but if you have any problem doing that, inform the Embassy the delivery address and we will inform you the mailing charges to be paid along with the visa fees. The visa itself is ready in about 2 days after the documents are approved for issuing and the visa payment is confirmed and delivery time depends on the courier company chosen, but the average is 4 working days. We advise applicants to start the process a month/fifteen days prior to the traveling date, to be on the safe side.

Please send the documents, as well as any communication, to the following address:

Further instructions will be sent to you when we receive your documents and your option of payment.

Actualización: realizamos el procedimiento indicado y pocos días después recibimos por e-mail un documento con la visa que debemos imprimir y presentar en la frontera al ingresar al país.


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